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Blockchain this Week

Oxford Blockchain
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2021


Your summary of the latest from the world of blockchain technology

Australian senate committee calls for national blockchain land registry

I was asked in an interview recently, ‘If you could introduce any law, what would it be?’ I replied that I would mandate the UK Land Registry to operate on a blockchain. Maybe someone with a direct line to the Australian senate was on the interviewing panel, because they’ve just stolen my idea. This would streamline the administrative process, reduce costs, and eliminate central points of failure (namely Land Registry officials). Read the full article below for a really interesting summary of some of the committee’s other recommendations.

Ethiopian schools using blockchain to track student performance

This week, IOHK, the company behind the Cardano cryptocurrency, announced that it has partnered with the Ethiopian government to create a blockchain-based system to monitor students’ performance in school. The large-scale project will provide around 5 million students with blockchain-based IDs, which will allow authorities to track every student’s academic performance. Graduates’ education credentials will also be stored on the chain, combating the issue of fake certifications. At the moment, most information in the country is recorded on paper, so the project aims to generate huge improvements in data management and education standards.

Vietnamese video game studio raises $1million for new blockchain game

Topebox and its blockchain partner KardiaChain have raised the sum for an upcoming game called My DeFi Pet. Venture capital firms have thrown their weight behind the project, which will produce a game, set to launch in May, that will feature decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) features. NFT data will be stored on a blockchain that will certify the digital assets to be unique, allowing players to earn exclusive tokens and make a profit from selling in-game characters.

European Investment Bank foresees debt market revolution driven by blockchain

Richard Teichmeister, head of funding at the EU’s investment arm, has labelled blockchain technology ‘revolutionary’ and compared it to the development of the internet. The EIB earlier this week raised 100 million euros in the world’s first syndicated offering of ‘digital’ bonds. The digital-ledger technology saves time and money by streamlining debt capital market processes. The EIB issued bond tokens registered on the Ethereum blockchain network.

