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Technical Intro to Blockchain (Part 3)

Oxford Blockchain Society
Oxford Blockchain
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2020


“When you store data, store it three times.”

— Tom Dwyer of

Learn how to code a smart contract!

On the 10th of November 2020, the Oxford Blockchain Society hosted its fourth event of the year — an Intro to Blockchain (for technical folk) in collaboration with OxWEST. This event was led by Tom Dwyer of — a blockchain development consultancy in Oxford and is part of a four-part series on blockchain. Join us for a look into how blockchain works and how to start understanding and using the technology. We’ll go through everything from smart contracts to running nodes and building DApps (decentralised apps).

About the talk

Tom took us through how to build a smart contract and a simple DApp that interacts with it plus an interface that displays relevant data using Solidity, NodeJS, Express, Ganache, HTML and more. We created an automated item tab. We then went on to learn how to store and retrieve files using the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). We were lucky to have Tom stay at the end for a brief chat on how he got involved in coding blockchain smart contracts and his background.



More educational material from

Remix IDE:

Future events

We have 1 more technical workshop on how to code with blockchain planned as well as a ‘how to buy/maintain/invest in crypto’ event. Stay tuned and visit our Eventbrite!

Join us!

This year’s President is Brandon Severin, a PhD student researching A.I. for Quantum Computing. We’re looking for keen beans to join the committee and help advance and educate about blockchain. If you’re interested, email

Mailing List

Sign up via our new website (ooo) —

Looking forward to seeing you at the next one. — Best, Brandon Severin



Oxford Blockchain Society
Oxford Blockchain

Fostering Oxford’s blockchain ecosystem by maintaining a distributed “Oxford Blockchain Network” of students, academics and industry actors since 2016.