Is Volunteering While Doing a Degree Really Possible?

Oxford Hub
Oxford Hub Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2017

Without a doubt, “I don’t have time” is the most common reason given when I approach students about volunteering with Branch Up. In fact, I’m pretty certain that I used the same reason when I went to a Freshers Fair. I’d volunteered throughout my time at secondary school, but university suddenly felt more serious. I was paying to be there, so I had to give my degree everything I had.

So, how did I end up volunteering with Branch Up? A total accident. My flatmate’s boyfriend was on the committee and they desperately needed an extra pair of hands. I already had a DBS check, so I was ready to go. “When do you need me?”. “Tomorrow morning”.

It was cold, the bus was late, and I was pretty nervous. I hadn’t met many people since moving to Oxford (outside of my course, that is) and now I was going to be stuck on a bus full of new names and faces. I was sat next to the young person I was paired with for the day. The first few minutes were a bit awkward (when did I last have a conversation with an 11 year old boy? Probably when I was 11…), but once the obligatory “what’s your name?”, “what’s your favourite food?”, “if you had to balance an object on your head for the day, what would would you choose and why?” questions were out of the way, we got on like a house on fire.

Volunteers at a Branch Up activity day

At the end of the day, I was asked if I would like to volunteer again. YES. What else would I have done with my Saturday? I’m pretty sure it would have involved back-to-back episodes of Jonathan Creek and biscuits. Sure, I was still a little worried about balancing work, friends, trashy crime shows, family, and Branch Up, but the great thing about volunteering is that you can do as much or as little as you like. Could I spare three Saturdays a term? Most probably. Would this impact my overall grades? Well…

It’s been nearly four years since my first day at Branch Up, and I’m happy to report that I passed my masters and I’m currently in the second year of my PhD. Through Branch Up I have met many amazing and like-minded individuals, I’ve gained and developed a wide-range of skills (I am no longer terrified of making phone calls!), and I feel like part of the community — all of this while painting pottery, playing Ultimate Frisbee, visiting local farms, and more. Not bad for three Saturdays a term!

If you are thinking of volunteering — I encourage you to try it. Look at your local Hub’s projects and opportunities, most of these are flexible, low-commitment, and all expenses are covered. Many projects hold socials and get-to-know events where you can meet other volunteers, ask questions, and get a feel for the project. Whether you volunteer for an hour a week or decide to join a committee, the time that you give will have a huge impact on both you and your community. So, why not give it a go?

Rachael is a second year DPhil student at the University of Oxford. She joined Branch Up in 2013, and is currently co-ordinator. She is inspired by seeing the impact young people can have on their communities if they’re helped to feel confident and valued.



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