Join the Oxford Hub Trustee Board

Over the last two years, Oxford Hub has changed so much — and we are now looking for new trustees who can help the organisation in that journey. Find out more about what the role means in practice and how you can get involved.

Oxford Hub
Oxford Hub Blog
3 min readJan 31, 2022


Oxford Hub works every day to make Oxford a more equal, resilient and connected city. We do this with the support of thousands of people who choose to volunteer, take part in our programmes or donate to our work. We also couldn’t do this without our board of trustees.

Trustees support charities behind the scenes, ensuring that the organisation runs well, that its work has a real impact, and that it has a strong foundation of policies and finances. We have a small board who bring an incredible wealth of experience in the charity sector — including on all the key aspects that are so unique to charities, such as fundraising, impact measurement or charity accounts. We are looking for people to bring new perspectives to this group and so we have just launched a round of trustee recruitment.

If you are keen to support the work of Oxford Hub, we are keen to hear from you!

Trustee positions are open to anyone over the age of 16, who have a background or identity whose experiences connect with one or more of the following areas:

  1. Enthusiasm for Oxford Hub’s vision to build a more equal, resilient and connected Oxford.
  2. Lived experience of the programmes that we run at Oxford Hub (for example, if you’ve been supported by one of our programmes, or if you’ve participated in any way, such as volunteering with us).
  3. Knowledge of Oxford and its communities.
  4. Experience in voluntary sector governance, fundraising, impact measurement or other relevant professional skills

In practice, the Oxford Hub trustee board meets six times a year as a team of trustees and senior staff to review the work of the organisation and make decisions about how it can be strengthened or improved. Trustees also review documents and monthly updates between meetings, and may sometimes join working groups for a specific area of work. The role is a great way to learn new skills but also work with some brilliant people and connect more deeply with the mission of Oxford Hub.

You don’t need previous board experience to become a trustee and Oxford Hub is able to provide lots of practical training and mentoring for first-time trustees. The current board is very experienced in charity governance and really friendly — if you are excited about the work of Oxford Hub, but may not have had a trustee role before, this may be the perfect opportunity for you.

Our approach to diversity

Oxford Hub is a local charity supporting a huge range of individuals and communities across Oxford city. As an organisation, we are committed to reflecting the diversity of the communities that we serve, and to sharing power with them through our approach to work.

We have made significant progress in this area through our work with communities and with our staff team, but we have not realised this objective at the governance level yet. This means we are particularly interested in supporting those whose voices are less often heard to be involved in the organisation as trustees.

Find out more about this opportunity

  • We are recruiting 2–3 new trustees to join the board and you can find more information about trustee recruitment on the website here. The deadline for applications is the 3rd of March.
  • We would like to encourage everyone applying to get in touch with any current staff or trustees to find out more about the roles. If you have any questions you can simply email us at to find out more. We’d love to meet you and tell you more about this opportunity.



Oxford Hub
Oxford Hub Blog

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