Student-led IT classes help tackle social isolation among older people

Oxford Hub has been running IT Classes in partnership with the Oxford 50+ Network this term, with great success.

Oxford Hub
Oxford Hub Blog
2 min readDec 18, 2017


Credit: Chris Lacey

Social isolation amongst older people is becoming an increasingly acute problem. Nationwide, around 10% of older people feel lonely often or always; over half of all people aged 75+ live alone; and more than 50% of older people say the TV is their main form of company. Loneliness has a severe impact on both mental and physical health.

The Internet can be a powerful tool for connecting people with friends and family, accessing information and increasing social contact, which is why Oxford Hub has been working alongside the 50+ Network this year to run a series of free IT classes.

The sessions were led by University students, who used their technological expertise to teach basic IT skills to learners in the Oxford area. The feedback from these classes has been overwhelmingly positive:

I have only started attending these IT sessions very recently, and am thrilled to have discovered them. I find the students most helpful and friendly in assisting me with my various queries. — Ursula, 50+ learner

I found it very helpful to have some structured learning about specific topics and personal one-to-one time with a university student. I now far better understand the mysteries of my mobile phone! — Caroline, 50+ learner

There is always a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the classroom and very obvious respect for each other. Our older members are receiving so much benefit. There are those ‘light bulb moments’. Just so good. — Margaret Simpson, Oxford 50+ Network Chair

Credit: Chris Lacey

Not only have the classes had a huge impact on learners, but student volunteers have also learned a lot from the experience:

The IT classes provided a refreshing opportunity to get out of the student bubble and meet a group of lovely people of a different generation. We learnt a lot from each other — I learnt not to take for granted the knowledge about the internet that I grew up with. I’ve become better at explaining things to people in a patient and clear way. — Martha, student volunteer

These IT classes will run again next term due to popular demand. They’ll take place alongside other volunteering activities run by the Oxford Hub through our LinkAges programme, which aims to tackle isolation amongst older people. Click here to sign up as a student volunteer at the next round of classes — we’d love to have you onboard!



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