Onyx event. Credit: Ben Darwent.

Quarantine life: staying connected in isolation

Part 1: The Revolution will be organised!

Oxford University
Oxford University
Published in
9 min readJul 27, 2020


As the coronavirus pandemic turned the world upside down, it scuppered another huge part of student life in the process, socialising. The chance to connect with other likeminded individuals, and have new experiences, is a huge part of the appeal of going to University. Particularly Oxford, which is well known for its world class sports clubs and societies.

From celebrating Ramadan in lockdown, to running a magazine for Black creatives during the biggest political revolution of this generation, quarantine has meant different things to different people. And over the next few weeks’ students, staff and alumni, will share what life in lockdown has looked like and meant for them.

The Revolution will be organised!

For Black and ethnic minority students — who were already under-represented at Oxford, loss of physical contact with their peers adds another layer of isolation to the quarantine experience. Particularly since research has revealed that people of Black and ethnic minority heritage are more likely to be negatively affected by COVID-19.

Theophina Gabriel. Credit: Neutrum.photo.

Through her magazine Onyx, Theophina Gabriel, a Philosophy and Theology of Regent’s Park College (2019), has been working to provide comfort and connection to these students and the wider community during this time. She first dreamed up the creative publication three years ago from her student bedroom at Oxford University. From its array of creative content, to the team creating it for the readership, she envisioned the publication being unapologetically Black. After publishing its first edition in 2018, fast forward to 2020 and her vision has been realised.

She shares her long-term hopes for Onyx, and why during the pandemic lockdown and more recent Black Lives Matter protests, the publication has felt more important than ever.

What inspired you to set up the magazine?

The inspiration to set up Onyx came from being surrounded by the talented work of young Black writers, poets and artists. I set up the magazine because I hadn’t seen a creative literary publication solely dedicated to uplifting Black creatives and I saw the importance of unearthing these voices. I had seen magazines that focused on marginalised creative voices as a collective, but I wanted to dedicate the publication solely to Black creatives, as there are so many nuances within the diaspora itself, and when the focus is narrow there is more room for depth. The magazine is an opportunity to give Black creatives a chance to be celebrated and published.

The idea initially began as a dream in my student bedroom in Oxford in 2017. My vision was of a sleek publication filled with poetry, short stories, artwork, and fresh think pieces. A publication that would unapologetically platform creative Black writers and artists whose voices are often marginalised within academic institutions and whose work continues to barely scratch the surface of the publishing world.

‘The virus has exposed and intensified socio-economic and racial inequalities which affected the experiences of Black students before.’

Onyx Magazine

How have you changed your content since lockdown began, how does it help your members to stay connected?

Since lockdown we have adjusted our content in order to try to provide meaningful ways to connect Onyx supporters. As well as sending out merchandise to our patrons, we’ve also come up with a BUY 1 PASS 1 scheme for as long as lockdown lasts. The scheme allows people to buy one copy of the magazine for themselves with the option of asking us to send another copy on to a person of their choice for free. We then send these customers a free enamel pin badge as an acknowledgement of them helping to create a sense of community during an isolating time. We’ve also had live events and poetry readings.

‘I hadn’t seen a creative literary publication solely dedicated to uplifting Black creatives and I saw the importance of unearthing these voices.’

How have you found lockdown personally?

Personally, I’ve found lockdown quite difficult to process, especially during this surge of hyper-focuses on Blackness. I’ve been doing my best to prioritise self-care but I’ve definitely been feeling both a sense of uncertainty and hope around shaping the future. One idea that has helped ground me, and it’s something I said to my team at our first team briefing, is as long as there are still Black artists, writers and poets expressing themselves, we have a purpose, and that purpose is to amplify those expressions.

Do you think the experience is different for students of ethnic minority?

I can’t speak for all minority students, but I read a Guardian article earlier this month that stated that Black people are four times more likely to die from the virus than our white counterparts. I think the virus has definitely exposed socio-economic and racial inequalities which affected the experiences of Black students before the virus and is only exacerbated by it now.

How do you condense the essence and spirit of the Onyx into a magazine?

The essence and spirit of Onyx is uplifting the talent of Black creatives, and we condense that into a magazine by making sure each page reflects this. We make sure that throughout the process we affirm the concepts and ideas of our artists and writers, as well sharpening their work by providing constructive feedback. We condense the essence and spirit of Onyx, which is the celebration of Black creatives into a magazine by collating and refining impactful work that is worth celebrating.

‘Being anti-racist involves organisation and demonstratable action. Anything else is performative.’

What do you miss most about Onyx meetings?

Brainstorming over Zoom is fun, but nothing can beat a face-to-face meet-up, Sharpie pens and a nice large sheet of A3 paper with a mind map. I miss seeing people’s expressions and ideas happen in real-time without the buffering, lag or inevitable cutting over each other when we’re about to speak.

Theophina Gabriel and the Onyx editorial team. Credit: Neutrum.photo.

Have you organised any online social activities to help members in quarantine?

We are excited to have held our first poetry reading live over instagram, where a live DJ responded to tracks with a poems read by our Poetry & Fiction Editor, Ebruba. We have also arranged an online Black Lives Matter Bingo filled with organisations and ways to help the movement. All details can be found on our Instagram, FB and Twitter page: @onyxmagazineox

What have you learned about yourselves during this time?

As a magazine I think we’re learning about what authentic connection means, in terms of not just putting out content, but how to engage and rally a community. This is a main focus not only during this period, but for the future of the magazine generally.

What has quarantine survival looked like for you?

I’ve been enjoying delving into science fiction. It’s the perfect blend of fiction escapism but still holds the ability to think about societal critique and structures. Right now I’m reading The Deep , by Rivers Solomon and Kindred by Octavia Butler. I have also just finished bingeing both seasons of HBO’s Succession (think Mad Men meets King Lear). Mentally, it’s looked like being supported by friends and reaching out and checking in, gauging when I’m getting close to burnout, and holding myself and my friends accountable for taking care of ourselves.

What are you most looking forward to doing when you get back to Oxford?

When I eventually manage to reconnect with the team at some point in Oxford, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t most looking forward to us all going and just getting some G&Ds together. I’ve been missing their wacky flavours, and it’d be great to have all of our faces in one place again.

It has been a tumultuous couple of months in a lot of ways, but particularly for the Black community, including Black students. As an Oxford graduate, what would you like to see the University do next in this context?

Changes need to be made to protect future Black students. I would like to see the University show a long-lasting commitment to Black students wellbeing with a series of standardised actions for handling racist incidents at Oxford.

Every student experience hinges on the systems in place within colleges, and currently, each college at Oxford is free to handle racist incidents as they see fit. A series of standardised actions would give balance and encourage fairness. It is not enough to support Black students to get into the University, systems need to be in place to protect them during their time of study. The University has stated that it understands this, but we are still seeing higher rates of suspension among Black students. This understanding needs to be put into action.

A clear symbolic start would be the removal of the Cecil Rhodes statue from Oriel College. Next, I think it would be important to implement a system where colleges are held accountable for individual incidents of racism. This would include the implementation of a clear University-wide standard set across colleges, outlining steps to follow when investigating racial abuse and racial harassment incidents. There needs to be consequences if these steps are not followed adequately.

I also think that all staff should have adequate implicit bias training and anti-racist education to stamp-out discomfort with the issue and make them more conscious of it in their day to day work.

What is one thing you would like people to know and understand about racism / anti-racism?

Racism is more subversive and deep-rooted than pointing out who is racist. It won’t be solved with workshops and statements. Being anti-racist involves organisation and demonstrable action. Anything else is performative.

When you express concerns about racism, or outright share your own experiences, often you are met with defensiveness and asked to demonstrate who is racist. I think this is reflective of a wider problem. It is the view of racism as a singular person, or event. This sudden social rallying and need to express action has come as a result of an increased focus on the Black Live Matter protests, but the same level of awareness and accountability should always be held at the same unwavering level. That is anti-racism.

To me, in a university context, anti-racism looks like active and continuous conversation, reviewing and reporting on how Black students are being supported, with the voices of Black students being centred. There should be for instance, a Black mental health fund, so that when Black students are harmed there are ways for welfare to accommodate their mental well-being with Black counsellors who understand their experiences.

What advice would you have for others struggling with the current situation?

I think each experience will differ, but some general advice would be to communicate your needs boldly and don’t let the pressure of what’s happening around us make you feel like you need to carry this in silence. Advocate for yourself, and if that’s difficult, call out to your SU for backup if you need. It can be intimidating to stand up for yourself, but it’s easier to advocate in collectives. Students looking out for each other matters now more than ever I think. And, especially for Black students, I’d say lean on those who fully understand the dimensions of what you’re going through. Don’t be afraid of expressing and articulating how those around you can help you.

Onyx magazine: https://www.onyxmagazine.co.uk/

Follow Onyx Magazine: on their Instagram, FB and Twitter page: @onyxmagazineox

Oxford University statement on anti-racism

What next?

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Want to read more? Try our articles on: Being a minority at Oxford, ‘Oxford is a complicated place; it is both very diverse in some ways, and not at all in others’, and How to shine in an Oxford interview.

Are you a member of the University who wants to write for us on Medium? Get in touch with us here with your ideas: digicomms@admin.ox.ac.uk.



Oxford University
Oxford University

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the world. We aim to lead the world in research and education. Contact: digicomms@admin.ox.ac.uk