The Journey, Independence and Perseverance

Ahmed Idris
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

It goes without saying that every success in life is not without its own trials and tribulations. However, the way one goes about it is all that makes the difference between success and failure. Failure is part of success as much as success is part of failure. However, the point of this article is not the success or the failure. This week’s focuses are on the journey, independence and perseverance. So what is perseverance? Perseverance is the will that keeps you going, especially when things prove difficult. Every Business has its ups and downs, but the most important thing is how you handle each, respectively.

At OyaOya , part of the drive is business independence. Well, what is business independence? Business independence is a term that varies depending on your business. However, a more general definition is free from outside control. As entrepreneurs, we are faced with challenges on a daily basis. Therefore, the freedom to define your platform, to define your customers could be the defining aspect of a successful business or a failed one.

In today’s world, pretty much everything is tech based. Though not everyone is accustomed to the idea of integrating their business into the digital world, however, it’s a very important movement. The digital world gives business owners opportunities beyond traditional marketing; the digital world gives you reach, and also create a network for you and your business. As odd as you may find the idea of digital marketing, it gives you the opportunity to join a network where you can gain access and improve your marketing skills either locally or on a global scale.

To compete in today’s market; you need to stand out from the rest of the competition. You need to show or in many cases prove why you’re better or your services, and not to mislead you; it is not an easy task to stand out no matter how easy it might look sometimes. Hard work is the root of all success, in pretty much everything worth chasing. Create a presence that appeals to your customers on the various platforms where they frequent. You have to find your customers where they are, and where they are tend to be on their phone, on their social media accounts. Therefore, one advice to any starting entrepreneur, social media is your best friend, especially in today’s marketing. Learn to maneuver your way through the different platforms and take advantage of what you are offered.

As we mentioned earlier, perseverance is a key to reaching a determined-destination/goal. However, to some entrepreneurs, the term “persistence” is a defeating notion. Although to the strong-willed and the determined, it is merely a stepping stone to hard work. Find inspiration in the little success and capitalize on that. The only way to keep motivated is to utilize the little progress and transform it into big one. Capitalize on your success, no matter how small it may appear.

Nothing worth having is easy to acquire whether it’s knowledge, success, politic, business, etc. The work you put in amounts for the success you get. Success maybe the ultimate goal to many of us out there, but just so you know, the journey to that success is equally as important. Your journey may be full of failure or wins or even both, but it’s not a good ground for complacency. Always strive for betterment whether in business or elsewhere. Find your conformity and exploit it; change what needs changing and keep pushing and keep innovating. Be persistent in your affairs; the joy of all success comes from the difficulties of the journey. Find your independence in the things you do, and let your passion inspire your will.



Ahmed Idris
Editor for

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