A World Without Water

Miguel Gomez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 26, 2017
imagine the world without water.

For the past four weeks our grade has been doing the DOT project to reduce the amount of damage we cause to our planet. So for the past weeks I have been trying to keep up with my project. Yes, it has been hard and sometimes I felt like quitting because I am not used to taking showers for a short amount of time.

So by now the project has come to an end and hopefully I will continue taking shorter showers. Maybe not every day but 3–4 times a week. During this DOT project I have learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before about how much water we consume in one day. So imagine if we would ran out of fresh water, what would we do? Saving water is very important and we should thank we have more water then we need because there are a lot of places in the world that don’t have water and don’t have a bathroom like some places in Bolivia. Hopefully I will keep taking shorter showers (5 min) to help our planet and so that the people coming after us can also enjoy our planet just the way we do. And lastly I hope we can all see how much more water we are consuming then what we are supposed to. A 5 min shower can really save a lot of gallons of water in one day, so in a year it would save hundreds of gallons.

