After 2 weeks…

Jonathan Velasquez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 18, 2017

After 2 weeks I have faced another challenge besides not receiving the correct amount of protein from being vegan. Now it is the the price of vegan food compared to non vegan food. This challenge came due to the time spent looking for vegan food and not realizing the cost. I just bought anything vegan with the benefit of taste or health (besides the ecological impact). This realization led me to explore and contrast the prices of vegan alternatives to non vegan food.

Let’s begin with milk. A great vegan alternative to milk is almond milk. The data I discovered was very surprising (to me anyway) that Silk Silk Almond Milk is cheaper than Organic Valley 2% Milk. This surprised me because an alternative for milk is cheaper than actual milk. So why do we still use milk? A cheaper alternative is accessible but not receiving it’s deserved recognition while animal agriculture continues to damage our ecosystem. So you shouldn’t be like Joey here.

Another food with a vegan alternative is bread. Not a lot of grocery store bread is vegan. For example, white bread is not vegan but organic bread costs more than white bread. In my opinion this was expected as organic bread consists of higher quality alternatives unlike white bread.

Many vegan alternatives are out there in the world and I reviewed popular ones. From my research I saw that alternatives will cost more along with the higher quality and/or taste.

