And we’re still here…

The journey continues

Chris Velasquez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 4, 2019


It’s been a good while since my last post. Since then its been a roller coaster of a ride. I have done pretty well not to eat any meats that are not chicken. So far I have not given in. I don’t know how long this is going to last. As of now, I will be going to China for the first time. This brings a challenge because I will be able to try new foods but I might have to be careful about what I eat over there. As for me, I’ve been feeling great. Nothing has changed from my normal self. Track has been great even though I got a sunburn on my two arms.

A lot has happened to me while I’ve been a vegetarian. One time I was going to eat with my family and I would usually order this huge meal with a lot of pork. But just before I order the food I’d remember that I could not eat pork so I ordered the chicken. The chicken was not the best but it was food. I was so jealous of my family who could eat the pork. The same thing happened at MacDonald’s but instead of pork, it was beef. But then I realized why I was doing this and after rethinking this it’s gotten easier for me to avoid meat. As I try to go without meat I learn about how much meat my family and I actually eat.

As time goes by me and my friends start to also change our hangouts. Usually, we would go somewhere and eat something that will most of the time have meat but now we would hang out more and eat less. I never really thought that changing my diet would affect me and my friends at that level. Can’t wait to continue and share more of my experience with you guys. Remember that you can do something little to change the world one step at a time.

