Animals have a soul so they shouldn’t be in your bowl!!

Taylor Christian
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 24, 2017


Welcome to my blog where I will talk about starving myself for the next month. For my DOT (Do One Thing) project I am going vegetarian. I know what you’re thinking, “How’s some black kid going to go without eating chicken for a month?” Well, all I can say to that is that great minds think alike. I’m going vegetarian because it will aid the conservation of the environment. This is my first time attempting to change my diet drastically by not consuming meat. To be completely honest I’m terrified.

The leading cause of environmental destruction is because of animal agriculture. In my science class we recently watched a movie called Cowspiracy. In the movie it talked about how animal agriculture is affecting our planet negatively, the movie said that 1/3 of the earth’s freshwater supply is used for animal agriculture. That means that water that we could be using to make showers, and fresh drinking water for people in poverty stricken countries is being used to support the human race’s high meat demand.

BLEAK FUTURE: Cattle produce 150 billion gallons of methane. Methane is a big factor of global warming and if we continue the our current actions our Earth as we know it may not exist 20 years from now. Therefore, although terrified that I will be starving for a month, I would much rather starve for a month than have one month less of the Earth’s existence. I don’t know about you but I would definitely enjoy watching more sunsets like this.

Picture by: ME!!

On Monday 27th 2017 I will commence my four week journey of vegetarianism. Wish me luck!

