Meysly Fuentes
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 31, 2019

People choose to be vegetarian for many reasons. Some people choose to be vegetarian to lose weight and some to be in better shape. Some people care about the poor animals and others do it because they care about the environment. As we all know, vegetarians DO NOT EAT MEAT!!!
Livestock has become a huge business in the whole world, especially since the mid-twentieth century. Since then, livestock production has only grown and grown. Fertilizers and other products that make grass and herbs grow faster so that more cows can be fed. Modified soils affect cows' digestive systems causing more flatulence and as a result more methane is emitted. Just a percent of the people on Earth know that animal agriculture is the biggest cause for climate change.
After explaining how the cows change the environment, in my DOT project I have decided to become a vegetarian for four weeks. It is and will be very difficult for me because I am used to eating meat three times a week and now it will be more difficult not to eat meat. It is also hard to see my mother cooking meat and I suffer to see that I cannot eat it but it is for a good cause.

