Do shorter showers help?šŸ¤”

Jessica Miranda-Morales
Oyster-Adamsā€™ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 23, 2019

I usually take long, warm showers while listening to my music but after hearing that the sustainability of our lives on Earth is becoming worse I thought about taking shorter showers. Also, my mom often tells me I take 20ā€“30 minute showers. So for my DOT project Iā€™m going to take shorter showers. First, Iā€™m going to measure the flow rate of my shower, then Iā€™m going to try to take shorter showers and see how many gallons of water I used to shower. To know how long I took to shower Iā€™m going to use my phone as a stopwatch and then record the time on a piece of paper.

Shorter showers might not have a huge impact on the environment but taking shorter showers not only saves water but it also reduces CO2. Also because it produces CO2 it collaborates with the greenhouse gases and that increases your carbon footprint but shorter showers help decrease it. Also even if you shorten your showers by two minutes you can save 342 pounds of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere each year. So even if shorter showers donā€™t sound like they will have a big impact, they can be. Something that would also help would be taking cold showers because to heat the water it burns natural gases which also produces CO2.

Even though I like staying in the warm water and listening to music before I go to bed I will try my best to reduce the amount of time I spend in the shower and the amount of gallons of water I use while showering.šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜

