Now I can take long showers again!

DOT Project is over!!!

Lesly Escolatico
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


During the whole month of the DOT project and also taking shorter showers, I have been impressed with my results. I have saved 149 gallons of water during the project. From here I will try to take shorter showers and save more water!

I admit some days I have taken showers longer than usual but I have always tried to get out earlier. To be honest it has been a struggle for me to take a shorter time but I came to an end now. I would like to help my community with this activity of taking shorter shower, but I am telling you guys it is very complicated. Well if you try to get out the shower before 5 minutes yes it is a big challenge. But if you take a shower for like 5 minutes and you think you’re clean then you are good. If you are a person like me and listen to your favorite music while taking a shower, for sure your shower is going to take long. Also if you have big, curly, and long hair, and that same day you have to wash your hair, its even more complicated.

If you want to look at other ways on how to save water you can open this website it shows you many reason why you should save water.

