Each drop can affect everything in our lives

Why taking short showers is important in my life

Ana perla garcia
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
3 min readMar 24, 2019


My whole life I’ve wondered why many people talk so much about how our environment is affected by many things and about how many people aren’t doing anything to fix it. Sometimes I would ask my mom about what was it that they talked about all the time. She told me that the reason why there are people who talk about that is because we ourselves are damaging our environment by throwing trash in the streets, by using so much energy, by wasting water, etc. My mom herself likes to save energy and water.

I have noticed that I’m the one who wastes more energy and water than most in my house. You want to know how I noticed? Well, when I would hop in the shower I would just think to myself and relax while taking my shower but sometimes people at my house scream at me to hurry up and the reason why is because I would take like 18 to 20 minute showers and, yes, they also wanted to take one but I would take forever in the bathroom. This is when it hit me. Ms. Riggen came up and told us about the DOT project I thought this would be the best time to start changing my ways by taking shorter showers.

According to the Livestrong website, if you take more than five minutes in the shower — we all know that is me — sadly you are wasting about 5 to 10 gallons of water every extra minute. The website also cites that if, by any chance, you leave or forget to turn off the running water while brushing your teeth then you could be wasting about 4 gallons of water. Now that could be about half of the number of gallons used in the shower.

This is how much every one of us wastes.

In the majority of houses the number of gallons used is 80–100 gallons of water per day. Now this is a lot of water usage in houses.

Every country in the world has lost a whole bunch of water and again it is our part to fix this. It’s not going to be easy but let’s give it a shot. I have a scale of how much water countries around us have wasted, including us.



If you often do small or half-loads of laundry, you can waste up to 1,000 gallons of water a month.

Your toilet could be flushing away up to 5 gallons of water every time you flush.

Leaky tank valves draining water into the toilet waste up to 1,000 gallons of water a month. Don’t ignore a leaky toilet. Fix it. If not you are wasting more water.

People who leave their hoses running can waste up to 150 gallons of water.

wasting water.



Ana perla garcia
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

hey i am Ana Perla Garcia i dont like school very much but i still go because i have to go and my mom makes me but i’m from el Salvador.