Family Reunions are Full of Plastic

It’s hard people, it’s actually really hard. Plastic is everywhere. It surrounds you like a tortilla on a burrito. The thing is that a person doesn’t think about how many things are made out of plastic on a normal basis. I will admit that I have failed a few times.

Ok, story time. So last weekend I flew out to Minneapolis for a family reunion over Passover. Ugh it was so hard. On the airplane I like to get ginger ale and of course I forgot about my project. The flight attendant put the soda in the plastic cup, when I could have just asked for them to give it to me in the can. Also, when I was in Minneapolis we had a party with 35 people so of course they wouldn’t use glass cups. So I used a plastic cup. That’s not all. At lunch the next day we got sandwiches from the deli and I had a bag of potato chips and a plastic water bottle. I know, I know, I was just having a sip of my cousin’s but then I remembered I had a cold and couldn’t share. Oops! I also went shopping and got a plastic bag but I can reuse it so it’s all ok. Overall I have only messed up this weekend but I learned that for the next two weeks I need to be more careful if I go to another family reunion.

I have had to give up things that I didn’t think about in the beginning. The project has also stopped me from eating candy, which is something I am definitely addicted to. My younger brother decided to do the project with me this week. I am very pleased to know that I have impacted him to do the project with me, even if it’s only for one week.

Look at all this plastic

Come back next week for more.




Elena Rubens Goldfarb
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

I am an 8th grade student at Oyster-Adams. For my DOT project I am reducing plastic use in my daily life.