Finally the day has come, in which I’m done with my DOT project. I have spent four weeks riding my bike and collecting data along with me. During these 28 days my perspective on using transportation has changed and I encourage people to start thinking about using less fossil fuels, even though they are useful to move easily from one place to another.

The boy who fought his allied (The new technology)

As a final result, I biked 40 miles in place of riding a bus. According to this article a bus uses three gallons of fossil fuels per miles and using my total distance traveled I have saved about 120 gallons just traveling by bike. This shows my impact just in 28 days by avoiding taking public transportation that uses fuels. From this point, realizing my impact to the Earth and my effects on climate change, I will continue trying to do my DOT when I can.

Think about it….

After seeing my peers’ projects I’m inspired to tackle something else like be aware to save energy and not spend too much water using it for nothing. I have been thinking about all these people around the world desiring to have electricity or clean water to drink. I am aware about how we are wasting these things and destroying the earth every minute we spend or use these resources that helps us as society to grow as a single civilization but it affects us at same time. In conclusion, here are the things I am taking with me from this project: biking, save energy, and save water.



Jose Argueta-Martinez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Trade the Bus for a Bike — “If it Doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you” ride a bike.