Finally Over


Kenefere Kamani
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readJun 6, 2019


As you all may know I barely survived being vegetarian but I guess I did a good job because I saved 52 pounds of beef, 6.5 pounds of pork and sadly 0 pounds of chicken ( I told ya’ll I barely survived). Although I sucked at being a vegetarian I am glad I didn’t consume animals as much as I would. According to “Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.” I know I said going vegetarian is the worst thing ever but if it benefits our animals and prevents them from going extinct then everyone should try going vegetarian.

I personally would not go vegetarian again because I gained too much weight because since I couldn’t eat meat, I would replace it with carbs and eat chips, cookies instead of meat. I know that sounds horrible but at least it didn’t come straight from animals. Doing the DOT project made me realize how much of a meat eater I truly am and how if I consistently eat meat, the more animals die and then the more go extinct and I don’t want that to happen because they are:

So the next time you eat meat think about the cows, pigs, sheeps ect you’re also eating! Thanks for following me in this long, tiring and funny experience. See you soon… maybe.

