Getting there

Taking shorter showers week 2

Gabi Morichi
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 13, 2017


Week two! Going pretty well but there is still room to improve! My average shower is about six minutes long but it still depends on the day. One thing I have improved on is when I get home after volleyball practice I am very tired and just want to take a long shower. However, the last time I got home from volleyball practice my shower was four minutes long.

After that short shower, I felt like I could really make a change, even though it was just one shower. This just shows that these small things can make you feel good and help the environment!

Today, I had a conversation with my friend Kaia that really showed me the reality of how long people’s showers are. She told me that one time her brother was taking a shower, and he took so long that the steam set the fire alarm off!

For this project, in addition to recording my quantitative data (the numbers) I have to record qualitative data (descriptions of my shower). Recording the qualitative data has been really hard for me, because sometimes it’s hard to remember how I took a shorter shower or what made me take longer than usual.

To conclude, take shorter showers!

