Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

Go Green and Stay Green

Ariana Campo
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 5, 2019


I used to think it would be impossible for me to be fully vegetarian when I was young and I realize now that I wasn’t necessarily wrong. In truth, it has probably been easier for me than for most people doing a similar project since I don’t eat red meat on a regular basis, but it’s still hard to get used to. At least I don’t have it as bad as some of my other classmates, who have been craving Chick-Fil-A for weeks and haven’t let me forget it once. Some of my other friends chose other projects to reduce their ecological footprint, and they are therefore free to eat meat whenever they want. Their favorite place to eat meat is normally in front of me, just see my reaction, which I’m sure they find amusing. I seem to be complaining a lot, but it actually hasn’t been that bad. I started eating some spinach lasagna, a new recipe, that even my meat-eating friends were jealous of. They begged me for the recipe for days and still seem slightly obsessed.

Photo by Laura Johnston on Unsplash

I have also started incorporating kale and other green things that I thought were not appetizing into my diet and I learned about super foods. Research shows that some of these super foods have high levels of necessary vitamins and help reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes and more, which are similar to the risks that excessive amounts of meat tend to increase. Some of these super foods are green leafs, berries, grains, nuts, tomatoes and essentially any plant-based food. I, for one, normally say that I don’t really like green vegetables or vegetables in general, really. This past week and a half, however, that changed. I eat spinach and kale regularly now, as I found that if you put it in popular types of food like pasta, pizza or even quesadillas, it isn’t that noticeable. The major change is the impact it will have on my body, making me healthier now. I love berries, so that wasn’t too much of a transition, and crushed nuts can also be hidden in foods. As you can tell, I’m kind of like a little kid; if you hide food in my meals, I won’t notice or complain. I hope this motivated you to embrace your inner child and get someone to hide super foods in your meals, or even better, eat them willingly, and make a change.

