Going vegan is saving lives?!

Elmer Sorto
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
3 min readMar 23, 2017


I wasn’t planning on going vegan for my DOT Project. But who knew that what I ate could impact other people around the world? Something that inspired my mind to go vegan was getting to watch Cowspiracy in my science class. Watching this film taught me the importance of how what we eat in our daily lives can impact people around the world and the Earth itself.

Ever since I could talk and think about this topic, I have always inquired how my diet itself can possibly affect others around the world. Now I understand why my mother always told me that I should eat everything on my plate because there are people who don’t have the luck to have food for themselves, which is very depressing but unfortunately, that’s how things are in this world. Credits for this image to the Lets Stop Poverty, a Catholic non-profit organization which helps families that lack resources gain access to them.

Kids suffering because of the lack of income they receive ($0-$1.25) a month.

This is very sad, I can guarantee it. But it’s not just MY diet, it’s yours too. If we can all work together as one whole, you can expect major changes to places around the world including less poverty and more food security for the needy. I love meat, ice cream and yogurt but all that’s going to have to change because according to Cowspiracy, the impact that consuming dairy can cause is that it releases more greenhouse gases into the environment which can trap more infrared photons delivered by the sun and radiated from Earth, which heats up the Earth even more than usual, which is the leading cause to global warming. Also, cows generate more gases than cars, boats, planes and trucks combined, which is very atrocious for the environment. Becoming vegan can reduce the # of greenhouse emissions released into the environment which saves the world from global warming and give those freaking cows a break!

According to this image by DSM, cow’s generate a ton of methane which, believe it or not, can hurt the environment as well as our bodies. As the years go by, technology is increasing in every part of the world, which can help future issues. If God allows, we can all make a difference that can create the future that our future selves have been seeking.

