Goodbye (But not For Long)

The story that never changes

Oris Flores
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 26, 2017


I have always said that recycling is difficult but it helps the environment and it’s true. In this last blog post let me tell you the story of how it all began: my project, my struggle, my life.

My project started in my science class with my science teacher Ms. Riggens when she asked us about what our DOT project and I really didn't do anything difficult and one of my friends was doing recycling so I thought, “Why not?”

When I first started this project it was kind of easy and fun having my family collaborate in my project too. But after a while it was like a mood swing it got confusing and frustrating at first and it was a bit complicated. After a while you get bored too.

Finally it had gotten easier and it was like we have been doing this for years and we had it in our daily life for a while even though it was still a little complicated.

If you’re wondering why I told you this at the end its because its your turn to tell your story and your impact. I recycled about 40% of my trash. So for now…..



Oris Flores
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

"As a leader I speak for my team, as a student I speak for myself and as a helper I give them a voice to speak say whatever they want"-Me working on recycling