Grand finale
The end of my composting experience
Finally it’s over. I am proud of myself for continuing composting until the end of this project but, in all fairness, it’s not like I chose to be vegan or vegetarian or something. I will admit that those projects seemed much more difficult to continue and do without breaking. Although my DOT project wasn’t as hard as others, it has had an impact on Earth too. Instead of letting food scraps and leftovers go to the landfill where they will never be useful, I composted them at the Colombia Heights Farmers Market on Saturdays. By choosing to compost as my DOT project, I was able to save 19 pounds of food scraps from being thrown away in the landfill. If I continued composting, I would save 247 pounds of food from going to waste each year.
To be honest, I don’t think I will continue composting due to the fact that I am a very forgetful person. Even with the pressure of composting for a grade, and I care a lot about my grade, I forgot to do it one week. It’s likely I would forget to take the compost to the farmers market unless someone reminds me.
I truly am inspired though. I was inspired by my friends and my class. They were able to be vegetarian or vegan for a whole month! Just a week is hard let alone a month. Right now I’m thinking about going vegetarian for a couple of weeks just to see what it’s like.
If you’ve been reading since the beginning then you probably have a clear understanding of what it is like to compost. It’s not as hard as it looks — it’s actually pretty simple. To save the Earth we must do everything possible. So what will you do?