How Chicken Nuggets are Ruining My Project

Food, Taste, Addiction

Jack Davis
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 6, 2017


I have a problem. When I get really into something, I also get really addicted. For example, my dad says I should only play on the PS4 for four hours on the weekend. Give me a controller though, and I’ll be on from 10am-10pm. Something like this is happening to my DOT Project.

On Friday, March 31st, one of my teachers, Mr. Ames, took me and and a couple of peers in my class to McDonald’s, a good way to celebrate the end of the 3rd advisory. I was starving, as it was right smack in the middle of the day, before lunch, way after breakfast. Since nothing but food was on my mind, I went to my go-to meal, 6 piece Chicken McNuggets, and delicious savory french fries. Thats when Nadeem exclaimed how around 3 other students (Don’t want to expose them) can’t eat meat. We all forgot, and we promised not to tell anyone (Sorry!). I promised myself to stop, but then a day later I started craving those crisp nuggets again. After my baseball practice I went to get more nuggets, then feeling guilty again. Then, on Monday, 4/4, I got very hungry after school, so I went to McDonalds to get my usual meal.

Szechuan Sauce :)

I feel a ton of guilt, because I sincerely wanted to go a month without any meat. Hopefully this week I can lay off the nuggets, and any meat, for that matter. In conclusion, don’t be like me. Be like this guy, at least he can go 7 days going vegan!

