Hustle Up!

Eric Hernandez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 14, 2017

Finding myself more than halfway there, I found a variety of challenges and some fun moments also. First, one of the challenges I had was that me and my family went to a Salvadorian restaurant. My parents ordered first. Then it was my turn. I didn’t know what to order. I couldn’t eat meat ! I ended up ordering cheese pupusas but they made a mistake. They gave me chicken pupusas! I solved this problem by taking all the meat out. It was a hard job but I did it. My second challenge was when my family had a party. They ordered pizza! They had two kind of pizzas: pepperoni and cheese. At first I got a I cheese slice. When I was going for my second slice, there were only pepperoni slices. I solved this problem by not getting a second slice

My favorite part about this project has been that I am trying new experiences such as trying new foods, not eating meat, and doing more exercise. For example, I got to try new vegetarian food such as salads. Also, I went three days without eating meat. Lastly, I played more soccer. My second week was an excellent week. It has been really exciting and full of fun stuff. Also, some meals I tried were delicious.

