It Got Worse. Much Worse. (Week 3)

Reducing the usage of single use plastics nowadays is impossible.


I last updated with a short yet enraging tale of how avoiding single use plastic is flippin’ near impossible. I have yet to find how to avoid this kind of plastic and yet be able to buy groceries. I could of course buy organics that come in green, actually, re-usable plastic. Too bad it all costs $5 an ounce.

Anything with this logo WILL break the bank

Aside from the fact that markets and retail stores are packed full of the deadly substance, they also try to shove it down your throat in bags of snacks, water bottles and even candies. This makes my quest even harder as there is no limit as to how many products use single-use plastic.

However, there is an alternative that I have been using as much as possible when shopping to reduce my use of plastic bags at least which is re-usable bags. These contain a fair amount of space and also have a good grip instead of the stringy thin plastic handles.

In conclusion, I hate having to avidly avoid single-use plastic. With one more week ahead, I don’t know how long I can keep this up.



Angel Martinez {OA}
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

8th Grade Oyster Adams student working on recycling single general use plastic. Is an advocate for dogs and hates social media.