It’s been hard

I really want some chicken right now

Andrea Rodriguez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 3, 2019


Ever since I went vegan, I’ve been craving chicken and my chocolate milk. As part of my daily routine before this project, I would usually have a chocolate milk when I got home or for lunch but since I went vegan, I can’t have it. Meanwhile, there is only one Horizon chocolate milk left and it’s just sitting in the fridge. Whenever I open the fridge it’s been really tempting to drink it but I told myself that I won’t cheat anymore since I already did.

The lonely chocolate milk in my fridge

I’ve been doing a good job not consuming any dairy but when it came to not eating any meat I cheated a few times — sometimes by accident. When I went to my grandma’s house, she cooks almost everything with meat and when I went over last weekend for dinner she gave me spaghetti with carne, which I knew wasn’t vegan but I was really hungry so I ate it anyway. I told my grandma that I went vegan for this project but she didn’t understand what I could and couldn’t eat. She only thought I could eat salads and the more I explained it to her the more confused she became. In the end, I ate the meat anyway because I couldn’t say no to my grandma’s food since it’s delicious.

It’s been hard not eating chicken since every other week my mom buys chicken from Pollo Rico during the weekend and I wish I had chicken from Pollo Rico. But I have to wait two more weeks until I can eat that delicious chicken again.



Andrea Rodriguez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Oyster Adams 8th grader that’s going vegan for four weeks for my DOT project