Last but not least!

Gabi Morichi
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 26, 2017

My Do One Thing (DOT) project has ended and I have to say I’m sad but also glad. Looking back at all of my data, I’m pretty proud of how much I reduced my shower times.

After finishing my DOT, I plan to still try to take short showers but not so intensely. I will try to keep my showers under 6.5 minutes. I will also still encourage my family and friends to take short showers as well. I’m mostly encouraging them to stop just standing in the shower!

If you compare my average water usage per shower with the average American’s water usage per shower, I used an average of 8.4 gallons of water per shower, while the average American uses about 17.2 gallons of water per shower. That’s pretty awesome!! (My progress, of course, not the average American’s water usage).

A great way to get educated, and educate others about water usage is by watching Flow: For The Love of Water. I encourage all of you to watch this documentary, and hopefully it will impact your perspective about water consumption.

After seeing my peers’ DOT projects, I want to try and be vegetarian. I have brought this up with my parents and so far they don’t like the idea. (After all, my dad is from Argentina.)

I am very sad to say that this is my last post about my DOT, so instead of leaving you possibly thinking about my writing, I want you to think about the answer to this question: How will you change the world? Because after all, anything is possible!

