Lea And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Leandro Caja
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


Have you ever had a day where you get a signature in school, got a warning from officer McKinley, and didn't get breakfast? That was Day 3 from Week 1 of my DOT Project. Usually I wake up at 7 but now since I’m not taking a car I have to wake up at 5 am and that’s a pain in the tushie. And when the officer pulled me over I literally almost had a heart attack. My palms were sweating, knees weak, arms were heavy. (If you didn’t laugh you’re not human.) Anyways, the cop asked for my school ID, he asked me why was I going so fast? Why wasn't I wearing a helmet? And I responded because helmets are for wimps (at least that’s what I wanted to say). I was too scared to say anything. You really can’t blame me. He had that batmanish voice, he had arms the size of my head, he had a gun right in his left pocket. After that I was riding my board 10 MPH. But before all that happened Iwas going like 30 MPH probably even faster, I guess you could call me Kick Buttowski (If you are confused right now then you gotta turn on the TV and put on Disney XD) Anyways…

Last story before I go. Have you ever been to Rock Creek? If you have you'd know that it’s a pretty big hill. As adventurous as I am I decided to ride in the street in Rock Creek to get to school. As you guys know it’s a pretty steep hill but it was freaking 6:00am in the morning so who is awake? As I was going down the hill this Audi was right in front of me, we were both going pretty fast and this idiot slams on the breaks because he saw a dead squirrel and as fast as I was going I couldn't stop. So I jumped off my board and I ended up hitting his bumper. I don’t think he noticed but I’m not sure due to the fact I got my board and ran away.

Right now my board is getting new wheels so i’m taking the bus. Yeah, I used fossil fuels (sue me), but at least I’m not using a car. I’m using public transportation. I’m still using less fossil fuels and contributing LESS to that (look at graphic below).




Leandro Caja
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Oyster-Adams 8th Grader working on transporting myself using less fossil fuel vehicles.