Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Making my way downtown, walking fast

Everyone says: “Don’t drink and drive!” but how about just: “Don’t drive!”

Zoe Savidis
2 min readApr 2, 2019


As you may know, I have started walking almost everywhere I go now since the DOT project started. I have faced a few challenging moments and a few good moments so far. For example, I surprised myself with being able to walk without complaining or being too unused to it. I mean, I was a little unused to it but it’s fine. I did face some challenges, though. A few days ago I went to a concert and I got driven there. I definitely regret doing that, especially since the arena was only about 1.7 miles away, which is definitely walkable.

Photo by Rotiv Artic on Unsplash

I’m still proud of how I’ve been doing so far. Normally, I drive around 3.5 miles a day, but the average amount of miles I drove per day this week was 0.2, which is pretty impressive. Walking into this project (hehe) has helped me realize how much unnecessary driving I do. I really don’t need to be driven to almost all of the places I go to. Cars release approximately 333 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, which is 20 percent of the world’s total, according to the Environmental Defense Fund. Can you believe that? It was something I didn’t even think about before the DOT project.

There were a few rough moments, like when I forgot that it takes about 20 minutes to walk to school and I woke up too late and ended up getting to school to late. Oh, and another time, when I was too busy with my head in the clouds, that I walked into the street before the light changed, and almost got hit by a car. This is basically what happened:

Movie: Mean Girls

In conclusion, it’s been quite a journey so far but I’m confident for the future. You can thrive without having to drive!

