Maybe I did eat meat…

Minerva Torres
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 16, 2019

This was a really hard challenge for me. Even though my family was supporting me and they told me not to eat meat, I ended up giving up. I guess I’m just used to eating meat so it was really complicated and it was hard to see others eat chicken or beef and I wasn’t able to eat it.

Even though this was really hard for me, I was able to save 38 oz which is 2.375 pounds of chicken! Even though it isn’t that much it’s a great way to begin and try help the world! With my Google Sheet I was able to collect data based on what I would eat and I was able to know how much animal product (chicken) I was able to save.

During this project I learned that I can accomplish any goal as long as I don’t give up and face things even if they are really complicated and hard to accomplish. I also learned that it’s important to set goals and accomplish them so you feel proud of yourself after. To be honest, I think I could continue a modified version of my dot. I will probably try to eat less meat but I don’t think I could turn into a full on vegetarian because I’ve grown up eating meat, so I pretty much depend on it to get my proteins. So If I stop eating meat, it could really affect my health. Also, in the video Cowspiracy we watched in class, it talked about how one hamburger takes 660 gallons of water! Since I didn’t have any beef saved a lot of gallons of water.

This project was a challenge, but It’s not imposible to accomplish. The Earth needs us, we all need to make changes to help the world. If we all do something about global warming we could definitely help the earth before its too late. So, what will you do to save the world?

