Mostly plant-based diet from now on

The DOT project has really changed the way I look at what I eat

Raquel Diamond
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 15, 2019


Veggie salad

My Do One Thing (DOT) project was successful for me because I went vegetarian for one month and while some of my peers didn’t make the full month going vegetarian/vegan I did and I’m proud of myself for that.

During the month I recorded most of the foods that I ate each day. For example, this veggie salad. I did cheat a little because I went to China a few days before the full month was over and in China there is meat everywhere — it is almost impossible to have a vegetarian meal. As a result, I stopped going vegetarian on the plane ride to China by having a not-so-delicious chicken and rice lunch. You will notice that my DOT data it is a total of 24 days, as opposed to 28 days, because of this trip. I’m happy to say that during this project I saved 92.6 oz of meat (5.8 lbs).

This chart shows my average yearly savings of animal products consumed by category.

From now on I have been very careful about what I eat. Most of my meals are plant-based and I learned how to control myself around food because before I would just grab the first thing that was in front of me. Now I don’t eat as much dessert and I have a salad almost every night for dinner or for lunch. Doing the DOT project helped me use my brain when it comes to how much/what I am eating. How much do you think about the food you consume?

