My Inspiration

Benjamin Hospina
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 24, 2017

One typical school day, I was walking to the bus stop with a plastic bottle in my hand. It was empty. And what do most people do in my situation? They throw it away. But they don’t know that there is a possibility that their plastic bottle will end up in the ocean! Once in the ocean it then turns into tiny debris that eventually fish will consume and will have tiny bits and pieces of plastic in their systems.

That same day, I decided to look up online about fish eating plastic. I found an image and an article. So this got me thinking, “Man, if fish are eating plastic, and we (humans) are eating fish, doesn’t that mean we’re eating plastic as well?” Yes. I searched online to see what happens if you consume plastic, and the consequences are “No Bueno.”

The effects are…..

  • Direct toxicity
  • Carcinogens
  • Cancers
  • Birth defects
  • Immune system suppression
  • Developmental problems in children.

This just shows that everything is a cycle. Meaning that what goes around, comes around. This is why I am going to use less plastic.

