Now I can stop trying to remember

Deshone hits the yeet the last day of his 8th grade year

The day has arrived: Medium Post #4 due 5/23/17 — the end of the DOT project. This has been a stressful and fun ride. The impact of my DOT project was not as good as I planned but here are my statistics of my DOT Project

28 Day Dot Project Total:

  • 6 Total Plastic Bags Used (and recycled)
  • 3 Water Bottles Used (and recycled)

Now, if I continued with my DOT project for 1 more year my statistics would be

  • -78 Plastic Number Of Bags Used
  • -39 Water Bottles Used
  • 221 Plastic Cutlery Used
  • 117 Plastic Packaged Food Bought And Used

I take pride of my plastic bag usage. The average person uses 425 bags per year I would only be using 79 plastic bags per year. If asked if I would continue from here, the answer is no. Mostly because of temptation and craving foods and saving money and I would feel a lone trying to continue this project by myself.

Am I inspired to tackle something else now? No I did not try my best in trying to reduce plastic, I constantly had to remind my self over and over that I have a DOT project to continue with and to be honest most of things that are essential in my life are plastic.

