One week down, three to go

Sammy Davis
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 4, 2017

It has been one week since I started doing my DOT project. Many things have happened in this short period of time. On Wednesday (the 29th of March), I was talking with one of my teachers about my DOT project. I then realized that it was going to be almost impossible to eat 0 grams of food from non-recyclable packaging. I ran straight to Ms. Riggen’s room to tell her what I had realized. She then told me that I should just try to eat out of non-recyclable packaging as rarely as possible.

During the project’s first week of implementation, I had to make a few exceptions. I have eaten two heat-up soups, one croissant and one yogurt among a few other things. Even though I have not been able to eat 0 grams of food from non-recyclable packaging, I have not eaten very much of it either. Check out my Google sheet for the details.

Another way that I have gotten past eating out of non-recyclable packaging is by going to restaurants that I know compost or recycle the containers. Three examples of this are Cava (a Mediterranean place), Chipotle (a Mexican place) and Sweetgreen (a salad place). During the first week of my project, I have gone to Chipotle and Sweetgreen. At Chipotle, I got a burrito bowl, and at Sweetgreen, I got a Guacamole Greens.

I am excited to see what will happen in the next three weeks. For this week, I have eaten about 66 grams (about 2.33 ounces), compared to the 142 grams (about 5 ounces) from the baseline data week.



Sammy Davis
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Oyster-Adams 8th grader only using food products with packaging that is 100% recyclable