Photo courtesy of King of Wallpapers

One Week In…

Larion De Bhaile
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 31, 2017


So far, it hasn’t been too difficult. However, this is to be expected as it’s only the first week.

OK, let me explain. Every week, I bring down my shower time by about 2 minutes. This way, my showers gradually get faster and it’s easier to adapt. This is quite different in comparison to other people doing short showers, who simply start a stopwatch and try to go in and out as fast as possible every day.

However, I don’t just shower and input a description; I also have to calculate a few things. First, I found the flow rate for my shower head, which is about 1.3 gallons per minute. Second, I converted all of my times to decimal form and from there calculated my average for shower time and gallons used. The best thing though, is since I have preset shower times, I calculated all of these things already for future showers! I set up a Google sheet that has all of this data, so feel free to check it out.

Regarding the experience, it’s actually really satisfying! I’ve always felt quite guilty not knowing how much time I spent in the shower, and how much water I was using, but now I have that data right at my fingertips.

I’m currently taking 7 minute showers and will be taking 5 minute showers next week. Despite all of these things to think about, i’m really excited to be participating in this project. Another update can be expected next week, but bye for now!



Larion De Bhaile
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Oyster Adams year of 2017, Currently working on a DOT Project for Shorter Showers