Plastic Progress

Used Plastic Water Bottles

Did you know our plastic waste has created a gigantic “plastic soup” in the Pacific of up to 15 million square kilometers, almost the size of Russia. Read more on facts about the plastic in our oceans

Two weeks in, the results are great. I’m seeing major improvement in my decrease of plastic use. Unfortunately I’m not there yet of not using plastic at all because I do use it for water. I occasionally use a plastic gallon of water to hydrate myself for the day. Soon I will be purchasing a water bottle for my needs so soon I will be excluding that plastic gallon of water out of my weekly routine.

The project so far has not been very challenging other than purchasing foods and snacks in plastic. The days that I have cheated in my project will be recorded on my DOT data spreadsheet. This experience has been great for me and I am really enjoying trying new things and challenging myself to sacrificing things I enjoy and use to help the environment.

