Photo from EIA

Post #3: Coming to an End

Laura Almonte
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


I’ve found success because I started to notice how many plastic bags were being used. According to Ecowatch, enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times. This made me think about how I can start using reusable bags or my own bags and other people can maybe follow along with me or at least take it into consideration.

I always bring my pink duffel bag with me when I go shopping. I used to bring it with me but still take the plastic bags that each store gave me. Once I was motivated to change, I started using my duffel bag to put my clothes and other purchased items in and denying taking the plastic bags offered by the store. My mom also puts an additional reusable bag in her purse so that she can level out the load she is carrying.

As a little girl in this country it is really hard for your voice to stand out and to try to make a change by yourself without a group of people trying to help you make a change. If I can make this change, this means that you should consider doing this daily too so that we can help animals and help ourselves.

