Progress…I guess

Gabi Morichi
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 7, 2017


Week one of the shorter shower competition has finished! I have to admit it has been rough, but my family’s and my shower times have improved.

To help me have a way to make sure I’m not taking too long in the shower, I have been trying to take a “one song shower.” Of course, I use the longest song I can, but it still helps reduce my shower time.

So far my shortest shower has been about 5 minutes, which is the recommended amount of time your shower should take. Most of my other showers have been in that range, but every once in a while I take a few more than 5 minutes.

If you need more inspiration for how to take shorter showers, click here.

Another great way to take shorter showers is to do what I’m doing! If you create a little competition between your family/friends, that can motivate you to take shorter showers.

This video also shows how important it is to take shorter showers.

Every minute counts!

Here is how my showers have been playing out:

  1. Get face scrub on, then turn on shower so I’m not letting the water stay on while I’m just using my face scrub.
  2. Use shampoo and conditioner, as quickly as possible. Sometimes I use a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner to save time.
  3. Put on body soap while rinsing off conditioner.
  4. Rinse off then get out.

I hope you are inspired to use some of my water saving techniques!

