My DOT Project

Alejandro Edwards
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


For my DOT project I will be reducing my own use of fossil fuels. I will be doing this by walking to places that I do not need a car to get to such as walking to school and back. I will record my baseline and regular data by recording the miles that I walk and also use the bus, metro and car.

What Inspired Me

What Inspired for doing this for my DOT project is the documentary Fuel:the movie. This is an inspiration because it showed me that the burning of fossil fuels is one of the main contributors of carbon emissions. Also what inspired me was that there are many sustainable alternatives for transportation such as the metro and the bus.

To conclude, for my DOT project I will be reducing my use of fossil fuels by walking or using public transportation to places in a reasonable distance. Also what inspired me was the documentary Fuel:the movie.



Alejandro Edwards
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

8th grader who just gonna walk so he can save some gas money to get some new sneakers… and to reduce his use of fossil fuels.