Salad, Veggies, Tofu…Repeat!

Kalea Isaac
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 22, 2019

Being vegan is a huge struggle, there are tons of meals that are cut out of your diet. Meals you probably adore and eat weekly like pizza, burgers, grilled cheese, and so much more. So overall, some might say being vegan sucks. However, despite the countless foods you can’t eat (which are replaceable don’t worry) being vegan has its many perks. Hopefully, this article will help you see the benefits being vegan has!

In early January of 2019, I decided to go pescatarian, and as someone who used to eat meat almost every day that was an incredibly hard transition. It meant no more McDonalds or &Pizza after school but once I found out all the horrible things that happened to animals to make food for restaurants like that it became a lot easier to resist. I decided to go pescatarian because of Ms.Riggens science support class. When it was time to start the DOT project I realized being pescatarian wasn’t enough. There was still so much more I could do. And that’s where my veganism begins!

According to the Vegan Society “One of the most effective things an individual can do to lower their carbon footprint is to avoid all animal products”. “The production of meat and other animal products places a heavy burden on the environment — from crops and water required to feed the animals, to the transport and other processes involved from farm to fork”. Being vegan conserves hundreds of gallons of water daily, and lower quantities of crops are needed to sustain this diet. It’s also a huge benefit to your health. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol, lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer are all connected to veganism.

After all this hopefully you will want to be vegan too. And it’s understandable if your not willing to give up your subway or taco bell but trust me you can still have delicious meals. There are vegan pizzas, sandwiches, pasta and so much more. You can also eat tofu, lentils, and beans for protein. I promise, soon you will stop dreaming of a juicy shake shack burger and dream of some healthy quinoa!

wendy is telling you to say no to animal products

