Save the Animals & the Environment!

Mani Minerva
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMar 22, 2019

How I will go from eating meat 1 to 3 times a day to not at all?

First of all, this move has been slightly discouraged by my parents, especially my dad, since he is a very heavy meat eater. He does not believe that just because I become vegetarian the world will be a better place. Even so, I think that one at a time, if people keep changing things in their lives, like eating little to no meat, it is possible to make a difference.

Scientists have found that “Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet” according to The Guardian. Even if I do not stop consuming dairy products, reducing all of my meat consumption to zero will definitely help the environment, and especially if other people take this journey on as well. Another interesting fact about animal agriculture is that it produces 58% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. That means that if everyone could stop eating meat right now, our greenhouse emissions would be cut in half!

Now, not everybody will just drop their meat right now and turn vegetarian but I believe that everybody who does is making the world a better place. For this reason, I am going vegetarian, not just because it is a school project or so I can disagree with my dad but so I can help my generation and the ones that will come after us have a better place. I believe that if the world is going to end for any reason it is going to be because of global warming. People just don’t realize that the biggest threat we have to face is not at the border and not in North Korea but in the farms in our own nation and all over the world. We are clear-cutting forests just to make room for cattle and we can stop that with the government’s help.

In conclusion, I urge anybody reading this to follow me on my journey to become vegetarian and help all the cows in world and the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions!

