[Short(er)] Showers

Larion De Bhaile
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 23, 2017
From Vanderblilt News

Welcome back! If you recall, I was taking 7 minute showers at the time that I wrote my previous post. Now I’m taking 3 and a half minute showers, and I took 5 minute showers last week.

Of course this was all expected, and you can only write so much about how you shower, so I wanted to do something a little bit different.

If you’ve taken a look at my Google sheet, you’ll know that the flow rate of my shower is about 1.3 gallons per minute. This is very good compared to the American average, which is about 2.1 gallons per minute, according to Home Water Works. In addition, the average American shower time is 8.2 minutes. So even if I took the average American shower, I’d still be saving 6.7 gallons every shower.

At the moment, with my 3 and a half minute showers, and my low flow rate, I’m saving 12.5 gallons every shower compared to the average American. That’s enough to fill 96 standard 500 milliliter water bottles.

Let that sink in. If every American showered as quickly and as efficiently as I do right now, the U.S. would save almost 4 billion gallons of water PER SHOWER.

From The Odyssey Online

Anyway, that’s just to show the kind of impact that shorter showers really make. My last post will come in two weeks because of spring break, but until then, bye!



Larion De Bhaile
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Oyster Adams year of 2017, Currently working on a DOT Project for Shorter Showers