Shorter Showers

I am a student in the 8th grade. I attend a school called Oyster-Adams and every year 8th grade students take on a challenge. The challenge is to change a daily activity to make it more sustainable. I will take shorter showers.

I noticed that long showers are a problem because sometimes we just let the water run and it’s a big waste of water. If we all change the way we shower we could save an incredible amount of water everyday.

Long, hot showers after workouts or after a long day of work are relaxing and it helps the body loose tension. But excessive long showers are not good for the environment. According to Shower Power, water covers 70% of the earth’s surface but only 1% of that water is drinkable, and we use a lot of that 1% in our showers.

Also, according to Boston University, an average shower uses about 5 gallons of water per minute. If you take 2 less minutes than you usually take to shower you will save approximately 10 gallons of water.

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Francisco San Roman
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

Oyster-Adams Bilingual School 8th grade student. Working on a science project that consists of doing one thing to reduce the amounts of natural resources used.