Shorter showers for the sake of our planet

Hector Breton
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
1 min readMar 24, 2017


The average American uses 25,300 gallons of water a year. So with all these statistics, we might as well just use less water. Showers have the largest amount of water used. I am going to take less time in the shower to make sure that less water is used everyday. My plan is to not only take shorter showers but to calculate the flow rate to see the amount of gallons used.

Charts for the average household use of water.
  • An automatic dishwasher uses less hot water than doing dishes by hand — an average of six gallons less, or more than 2,000 gallons per year.
  • A 5-minute shower is equal to 20–35 gallons of water.
  • A full bath is equal to approximately 60 gallons of water.

