Showers Are Not The Problem

Mateo Nawar
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 23, 2017
Image result for mateo nawar

Despite the fact that I’m saving several gallons of water per week, adjusting to taking shorter showers has been pretty difficult. During most of my showers this month, I haven’t been aware that I needed to hurry up in order to go under 5 mins. I end up rushing at the last minute and not being as thorough as I can. However, I did manage to save quite a bit of water. In one month I have saved 1,564 gallons of water. If everyone in the U.S made a simple change to their lifestyle and cut down their showers to 5 minutes we would save more than 6 trillion gallons of water per year.

Although this seems like a lot, it is less than 1/6 of the water we use annually in the United States. Despite the fact that fresh water shortages are a major issue, taking shorter showers is not the most effective or efficient way to solve the climate change issue. For these reasons I will most likely not continue my DOT project because there are better ways to help the environment.

Throughout this process I have learned a lot about my classmates’ ways of doing their part for the environment. This includes one of my friends who decided to go vegan to reduce the amount of methane and carbon dioxide in the air that is produced from cows. A change like this would most likely be my next approach to helping the environment.

