Skrr Skrr!! A Warrior’s Journey Part 2

It takes a warrior to ride a Lime cause there are multiple obstacles along the way

Dionis Martinez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 27, 2019


While in this journey I won't be doing this for my planet and science grade.

In my journey riding a lime scooter, I have been through everything. This wasn't what I expected. First, I must walk whatever distance to reach my scooter with a chance that someone might reach it before me, which has happened. Then there are the dangers of the road and reckless drivers (who shouldn’t even have a drivers license). Also, the weather conditions are always rough like rain, mud, gravel/rocks, hills, and random people in my way that crash into my scooter by accident. Finally there are people at school (not naming names) who repeatedly ask to ride the scooter and the more I delay the ride the more it costs. Worst of all, I’ve been halfway to my grandma’s house and the scooter has died in the middle of the road. At those moments I either have to walk or take the bus (depends on distance).

But there also a bright side to this all. Before this project, I would be bored out of my mind waiting for my stop in a car/bus until it would give me headaches. Now while I’m riding I see nature with my own eyes (as much nature as you can see in the city). Not to include that while I see all of these other people in their cars emitting CO2, contributing to climate change, I’m going green in my transportation and doing my part for the planet.

Something that motivates me in this journey to persevere through these challenges is that in the app it shows me at the end of my ride how many grams (g) of CO2 I saved from not taking a car or bus. For example

This is an example of the distance I take to go home on a scooter

In conclusion, if you are not up for this challenge, it’s ok there many other ways to help our planet. However, if you are ready to take the next step on decreasing your carbon footprint in transportation and like going on a scooter, click Lime. As always, if you enjoyed this post please clap as many times as you can. My name is Dionis Martinez and see you in the next post!



Dionis Martinez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

I’m a boy that goes to Oyster Adams and like Basketball. I’m on Medium cause My teacher has a project to decrease my carbon footprint and I’m trying to get a A+