Skrr Skrr!!! Part 3 The finale…

Dionis Martinez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readMay 31, 2019

It’s to come to a close to the Skrr Skrr series but the impact will leave on…

That where my lime scooter is…

So this is the End. After 30 days of skrr skrr, I'm finally finished. It’s kinda sad and relieving that the Famous Dot project is over. However the question from here is what’s next… Well definitely not doing another 30 day trial of this Dot project but definitely not going to take a car for where ever I go. I’m might just do this in moderation. If one day I find a Lime scooter and I hav time and a short distance (for car) I might just ride it so save Co2 emissions. while many of my peers have been going vegetarian i just don’t see myself doing that. Not only is transportation my main reason my carbon footprint is over 1 earth but not to brag I saved 13,188 (g) of Co2 emissions from contributing to climate Change.

In conclusion in these past 30 days I have learned a lot over my limitations and me. That it’s possible for me to cut down in my personal emissions and not contribute as much in Global warming. That eventually if I continue putting my effort I can eventually reach 1 earth if everyone lived my lifestyle based on the ecological footprint calculator. Which brings me to my final message there so many ways to help end climate change (like ride a lime scooter to your destinations) but we have to start now so this isn’t the end but just a new beginning in a future livable for humans cause if not…

This is the Endgame and I don’t want Climate Change to snap it’s fingers



Dionis Martinez
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

I’m a boy that goes to Oyster Adams and like Basketball. I’m on Medium cause My teacher has a project to decrease my carbon footprint and I’m trying to get a A+