The Challenge to being a Vegetarian

Sebastian Mercado
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 18, 2019

Less Meat More Veggies

The challenge to being a Vegetarian is that I cannot consume any meats and need to eat more vegetables. It is very difficult especially because I truly enjoy eating chicken. Orange chicken from Panda Express and tacos are two of my favorites foods. I was able to overcome this by eating different non-meat foods on a daily basis and changing them everyday. For example, since I love pasta, I was able to replace the orange chicken with more plain pasta dishes. I also tried to change it up by eating more rice, which is also one of my favorites and fills me up. Eating more vegetables and fruits like spinach, carrots, corn, potatoes, plantains, apples, grapes, berries, bananas has also helped me in not eating the meats that I really enjoy.

Being a Vegetarian is also healthy for my body. In the following article we can read about how a vegetarian diet can reduce health risks like heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. It also indicates the amount of vegetables (2 1/2 cups a day), fruits (2 cups per day), grains (6 1/2 ounces per day), eggs (3 ounces a week), nuts and seeds (8 ounces a week) plus other food groups that can guide me to have a healthy vegetarian diet.

I noticed that while doing this project, I do eat most of the things that vegetarians eat. Rice, pasta, vegetables, fruits, and grains are already part of my diet so that part was not difficult. However, passing by a panda express and smelling the orange chicken or going to a Mexican restaurant and not being able to order a couple of delicious tacos was extremely difficult for me. But I was still able to mange. I believe with more dedication and knowing that being a vegetarian is a healthier way of living, I think I am able to become one at least on a part-time basis. Not so sure if at this time I can be a full vegetarian but I do not mind being one, at least once in a while.

Healthy Foods



Sebastian Mercado
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project

I am from Oyster Adams the reason i am on Medium is for my Dot project