Photo by Angelo Pantazis on unsplash

The End

Colin Merino
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


Welp this is the end of the DOT project (do one thing). I feel like i’ve come far from where I started this at first I thought it was going to be easy but not being able to eat all the foods that you normally would is pretty challenging since you got used to eating those foods and then you stop eating them just makes everything a big mess and you go hungry because you don’t know what to eat.

From this project I was able to save 12 pounds of fish,3 pounds of chicken,3 pounds of beef in four weeks. What I have learned from this project is that I can’t live without any type of meat it’s gotta be part of my diet which is kinda sad since it’s ruining the planet. Another thing that I have learned is how unaware we are of the current situation we are in and there are people who have no idea that this is going on behind us.

As for continuing my DOT project I don’t think that will be happening as I find it very difficult to maintain being vegetarian as I said before it’s hard finding foods that will fill you up. But at least now I am conscious of what I am eating and the consequences of my actions the world will be damaged to the point that you can’t even live here now.

Another things I would like to say is I would like to try to use less plastic materials as I know that’s just as bad and makes everything look ugly and ruins our world and animals too.

In conclusion I think doing this project was big eye opener for all of us to see how all the things we normally would do will hurt everything around us animals and environment.

